Sunday 8 October 2006

A watery grave

Se acabó septiembre (hace un buen) y la verdad tenía muy pocas ganas de hacer un resumen de septiembre. Porque la verdad fue un mes chafito. Así que, como este es el primer post escrito desde Inglaterra (ignorando los cuantos que escribí en... pues en Inglaterra), lo voy a Tolkienizar, porque creo que al menos le agrega un poco de interés a lo poco interesante que es esta semi-tradición. =D


Chapter I
Across the northern sea

I've come a long way thru this wonderful lands and valleys, reaching now to a city of a 2000 years, where cultures dwell and races roam freely thru the land. It is this place where I shall hone my arts, though it was not an easy task to reach this place, as great perils were on my path of fulfilling the task.

I had to ask for the permission of the elven kings of the north, who are jealous of their lands and take utmost care when giving shelter to the likes of man (let alone dwarves an orcs). The elves could see in my eyes that I meant no harm, yet they were uneasy as they felt I had no comprimise to my race or my land, but that's none of their concern.

Before leaving the shores of my land, I had a great celebration, not the usual celebration of birthday that men are so accustomed, but one to gather all my friends one last time before my departure.

The celebration was full of peculiar characters from every corner of Middle Earth.

There was F.Dwarf, of the Booted clan. Perhaps even too short to be a dwarf, but not too short of being as hairy as the hairiest dwarf in the land. I always wondered how Dwarves reproduce, as I've never seen Dwarvesess, but my friend always tells me that he lacks this ability, so maybe it's some special trait for the kings of the race.

Also from the dwarven race, there was Toño, who comes from the dark clan of dwarves, who instead of mine everyday for the riches of the earth, they just consume them and try to develop other arts, as magical abilities of sorts.

There was also Shemra, from the eastern regions, who knew not the land, but was there all the same, thanks to Temo, a man so large who might be considered a giant, but I never heard of such a race, perhaps there are just too few these days... himself, basically carried both Toño and Shemra, being not a particularly impressive load, yet an amazing task.

Many others were there, as the elves of the light tribe, with Luz obviously with them and Kluzter, a dark elf, who sometimes considered more on par with a prankster, is still a loyal friend.

Among this many others, there was Schubert, with his friend Noe, who made the arrangements necessary for the place where the celebration took place, along with Mayra and Clara, a girl from afar, who could not atend.

And of course, Nash, my beloved, whose beauty I won't see until the summer sun arises in this land and her voice that will always echo in mi thoughts...

There were not too many events to tell, yet my journey has now halted and I reached my destination. Should I pass the tests upon me, then will I go back and use my newly acquired skill for the benefit of man.



Anonymous said...

¡¡¡Ya que te pase algo bein recontable porfavors!!!

¿cómo sigue el pié de rooney?

me parece como si fuese ayer cuando te fuiste hacia allá por primera vez.

hubo bastantita gente en tu despedida... con todo y que hubo un servicio tremendamente hostil y malaonda.

Jerry García, a.k.a. stup_id said...

So await, await for the arrival of your closests ties to friendship, and await for your beloved. Time is not that heartless and eventually will let this old world to spin around enough for the ocasion of reuniting.
