Wednesday 27 October 2004

Moronic Squad, Assemble!

There is a huge crisis for the moronic squad! Their arch-enemy, "The Doctor", has created a device that will provide other people in this country to... think for themselves!

Blonde: What are we gonna do?
Bimbo: I don't know!
Brad: Maybe... if we could think of something to stop him...
Bret: So like... we have to think a plan to prevent "The Doctor" to makes us think, cause if we think... then... I...
Brad: Oh my god! Bret is starting to think! That sentence almost made sense!
Bimbo: I don't know!
Blonde: Look! It's captain moronic! We are saved!

Captain: Stop right there "The Doctor", you'll never make us think.
"The Doctor": How the hell did you find my secret base??
Captain: I've been looking for my appartment actually. But I can't seem to find it and I ran into this place, so...
"The Doctor": Oh, I'll make sure you never go back there!
Captain: I can no-go back by myself!

(Insert cool fight scene)

Blonde: Oh captain, you are so cool!
Captain: Huh huh.
Brad: I never thought you could defeat him!
Captain: Well Brad, I'm glad you never thought at all.
Bret: Will you go back to your house now Captain?
Captain: I will try, but even if I do remember someday where I lived... I'm afraid I forgot my keys.

(Captain leaves the scene... somewhat cool looking)

Brad: I wonder... how is that the most stupid of all of us, is actually the one we can rely the most.
Bimbo: Well, I don't know that either.

And once again, the day is... not saved, yet equally unaware of anything as our heroes go back to... the moronic adventures!

(Cool, yet funky music plays in the background)

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